Sunday, December 28, 2014

DIY 自製手工皂 簡易教學 (二)

今次呢一篇會比上一篇短, 主要係材料同做法, 如果想知道多點關於製肥皂既基本資料可以看我上一篇Blog -- DIY 自製肥皂 簡易教學 (一) Homemade soap

Friday, December 26, 2014

DIY 自製手工皂 簡易教學 (一)

一聽到話要整肥皂第一件事一定會問, "點整嫁?" "難唔難整嫁?" 我搵到上網有好多英文教學, 亦都覺得唔算太難, 自從整左一次之後, 成日都心郁郁想繼續整. 自己整肥皂可以簡用咩油, 無香料, 純天然, 全有機亦可以..

韓國料理 炒薯粉麵 잡채 Japchae

Japchae -- 聖誕節後的午餐

早幾日都係打邊爐慶祝聖誕, 又玩通宵, 今日一早就想食清淡小小,其實中文係咩名我都唔清楚, 我淨係知道好好味 

Monday, December 22, 2014

原味芝士蛋糕食譜 Original Cheesecake Recipe - 我的生日蛋糕

我其實9月生日既, 但係一直都要反工所以無時間整理呢個Blog.  今年我自己整左個芝士蛋糕比自己,一路以來都係男朋友買蛋糕比我既, 但係今年唔想花錢買, 情願比機會自己整下蛋糕. 

原味芝士蛋糕係非常易整, 但係就比較長時間整, 足足6個小時之後先可以食架!  材料雖然比其他甜品多, 但係將所有材料掉落電動攪拌機就可以喇, 連我呢個大懶人都會得閒整下黎食. 屋企未有電動攪拌機既, 不妨買部啦, 真係好方便架 (我唔係幫人賣廣告呀)! 我呢個食譜其實好易改到岩自己口味. 我係Food Network到揾到既, 佢有教埋點樣整個餅底, 但係我通常都係買現成既 
以下呢個係我譯反既中文板本, 原食譜需要sour cream, 但係屋企本身都小用, 我直接省略左,加多D 檸檬汁代替, 我覺得小左sour cream 又唔係太大分別

Sunday, October 5, 2014


話咁快就開左學, 昨日大半日都係學校, 決定獎下自己. 夜媽媽Full緊Mask既時侯上網見到
Eugenie Kitchen 有好多食譜, 睇到大概11點就開始嗌肚餓..最後忍唔住即刻整左!
張相睇落好唔吸引, 因為我未影得切佢就收縮左.. :( 連糖霜都未落得切就凹晒 T_T 我改左Eugenie個食譜, 我無奶所以用左鮮奶油, 效果係一樣嫁. 佢亦都叫我地焗15-19分鐘, 我個個用左10-12分鐘, 個面轉個頭就啡左.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

足料早餐 西式貝果三文冶 Bagel Sandwich

開左學一星期, 終於等到星期六喇! 一起身就去雪櫃搵下有咩好食, 點知就搵到有貝果。
貝果(英文 Bagel) 外硬內軟, 通常佐以芝士忌廉。美國有好幾間出名的貝果店亦有賣貝果三文冶,貝果亦有好多唔同款味,有原味,有D有提子乾,芝麻,蒜蓉。其實貝果三文台可以自己配不同食材都會好配搭,我下次再整的話應該會試下加牛油果, 加埋三色椒應該會好有西班牙風味。

Friday, August 8, 2014

韓國蛋卷食譜 作法

近期媽媽被我傳染,中晒韓劇毒, 我亦都努力煲緊Running Man. 一直睇佢地食野真係好吸引, 平時去食韓國菜都好鍾意食呢個頭盤, 但係通常得個一兩舊好唔夠"皮", 所以今次自己整, 非常滿意 :)

Korean Tamagoyaki (Rolled Omelet) Recipe

This appetizer is very popular and you will find this appetizer in most of the Korean restaurants. There are minced carrots, onions and green onions inside. The best part about this omelet is its size, you can eat this bite-size omelet without getting messy.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

檸檬梳乎厘食譜 (Young living 精油)

我呢段時間仍然好盡心想整到完美既梳乎厘, 我早排買左梳乎厘杯, 之前我一路用開透明既吉士杯. 其實睇張相已經睇得出真係會升高好多架. 相信今次寫完就好一段時間唔會再寫.

Fluffy Chocolate Cake Mix Cupcakes

I have been busy, VERY busy.. and yet.. I still wanted to bake cupcakes. I bought the CHEAPEST cake mix I can find in the store, it turned out even better than the expensive ones (if you add the secret ingredient).

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cooking with Essential oil: Easy Lemon Souffle Recipe

You can never go wrong with a lemon souffle. A warm airy lemon souffle with a moist center is definitely a delightful dessert. If you get bored making Popsicles or ice-cream, you should try making souffle. This dessert is light and moist, it is perfect for those that are on diet.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

朱古力, 士多啤梨, 檸檬 梳乎厘食譜 繼續

我話左今晚會再整多次梳乎厘, 加上多d 步驟圖。今日好奇梳乎厘仲可以整咩味, 屋企有幾款生果同精油, 所以一次過整左3隻唔同味道 有 朱古力, 士多啤梨, 檸檬味。

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Copy Cat Green Tea Souffle Recipe

It's Monday AGAIN. I spent literally the entire day at school.. from 8 am till 4 pm. I decided to award myself with desserts. I read Eugenie' Kitchen's Chocolate Souffle recipe and decided to make it immediately. Eugenie is a full time vlogger. She is talented, she started blogging on blogspot two years ago and now she has 85k+ followers on Facebook. I accidentally trolled to her blog and started looking at all the posts and pictures. It was almost midnight, and it is usually the time when I lie on my bed and start whining for food. Her original recipe calls for milk, but I substituted it with heavy whipping cream. As you can see, the result is still the same. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grape Jelly Meatballs Recipe

I love this super easy recipe, there are tons of recipes for this dish on the Internet but I still want to share it with you. I have never had this dish until I came to the U.S. I love the sweet and sour sauce. All you need to do is to put everything in the crock-pot, PLUS this dish goes well with rice, REALLY.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Easy Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe (no machine needed)

I'm finally done with all my finals and have time to update my blog. This blog is kinda lengthy because I want to write this recipe in Chinese as well. I am still debating if I should write my blog in English or not.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

紅燒肉食譜 Red Braised Pork

(╯°Д°)╯ 好正啊!

呢排日日都睇肥媽既食平D, 見佢用汽水整紅燒肉好好奇,仲要40分鐘搞掂! 佢D食譜永無失手嫁,我今次隔左幾日已經忍唔住要再食! 等我考試前可以食餐好既 ( T___T )//

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chinese Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad Recipe

Hello World! - My Very First Blog

Hi guys. Welcome to my blog (YAY!).

I am Allison, I was born and raised in Hong Kong, China. I have been in the States for almost 5 years. I realize no matter how busy I am, there is always time for a decent meal (and desserts). I LOVE food and I want to share my favorite recipes with you. As a college student, I am cooking on a tight budget. I stumbled upon poor girl eats well's blog, she gave me inspiration and motivated me to start my own blog.

I am glad you are reading this, let's cook!

