Saturday, August 30, 2014

足料早餐 西式貝果三文冶 Bagel Sandwich

開左學一星期, 終於等到星期六喇! 一起身就去雪櫃搵下有咩好食, 點知就搵到有貝果。
貝果(英文 Bagel) 外硬內軟, 通常佐以芝士忌廉。美國有好幾間出名的貝果店亦有賣貝果三文冶,貝果亦有好多唔同款味,有原味,有D有提子乾,芝麻,蒜蓉。其實貝果三文台可以自己配不同食材都會好配搭,我下次再整的話應該會試下加牛油果, 加埋三色椒應該會好有西班牙風味。

Monday, August 18, 2014


Friday, August 8, 2014

韓國蛋卷食譜 作法

近期媽媽被我傳染,中晒韓劇毒, 我亦都努力煲緊Running Man. 一直睇佢地食野真係好吸引, 平時去食韓國菜都好鍾意食呢個頭盤, 但係通常得個一兩舊好唔夠"皮", 所以今次自己整, 非常滿意 :)

Korean Tamagoyaki (Rolled Omelet) Recipe

This appetizer is very popular and you will find this appetizer in most of the Korean restaurants. There are minced carrots, onions and green onions inside. The best part about this omelet is its size, you can eat this bite-size omelet without getting messy.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

檸檬梳乎厘食譜 (Young living 精油)

我呢段時間仍然好盡心想整到完美既梳乎厘, 我早排買左梳乎厘杯, 之前我一路用開透明既吉士杯. 其實睇張相已經睇得出真係會升高好多架. 相信今次寫完就好一段時間唔會再寫.

Fluffy Chocolate Cake Mix Cupcakes

I have been busy, VERY busy.. and yet.. I still wanted to bake cupcakes. I bought the CHEAPEST cake mix I can find in the store, it turned out even better than the expensive ones (if you add the secret ingredient).